last update to page: August 22 2017 23:18:37 (UTC).

Magnitude 4.1 Earthquake: Central California


The red marker denotes the earthquake epicenter.

On Tue Aug 22nd 2017 19:51:59 (UTC) the seismic network recorded an earthquake (preliminary 4.07 mw) located in Central California. Seismic region California - Nevada Region.

The epicentral distance (i.e. distance separating the location to the epicenter) to the closest station WRDG in the network is 242.6 km.

If you felt the quake, the USGS would like to know. Please add your comments to the USGS page "Did you feel it?".


Time:Tue Aug 22nd 2017 19:51:59 (UTC)
Magnitude:4.07 mw
Depth:6.1 km

Proximity to Population Centers

Event and active stations

The red marker denotes the earthquake epicenter.

Seismic waveforms for closest station

Closest station with identified signal. 1 Hz highpass Butterworth filter has been applied to data.

Seismic waveforms for vertical channels in network

Subset of several stations close to the event. 1 Hz highpass Butterworth filter has been applied to data.

Signal description at some stations

STA_CHANS-E DeltaS-E AzimuthPhase TimeSignal/NoiseTime ResidualV. ModelAutharid
KNW_HHZ2.197°355.55°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:35.4727 UTC71.414-0.976iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491282
RHIL_HHZ2.235°356.86°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:36.2633 UTC-1-0.702iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491385
RDM_HHZ2.275°358.48°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:36.6594 UTC65.568-0.864iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491301
PFO_HHZ2.324°350.71°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:36.925 UTC18.046-1.269iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491284
WMC_HHZ2.34°355.08°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:37.5768 UTC34.17-0.833iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491310
CRY_HHZ2.344°356.33°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:37.673 UTC44.472-0.795iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491308
SND_HHZ2.366°353.92°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:37.8794 UTC30.441-0.895iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491285
TRO_HHZ2.416°350.41°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:38.3796 UTC56.242-1.076iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491315
BZN_HHZ2.422°355.1°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:38.7716 UTC7.7357-0.77iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491289
FRD_HHZ2.424°353.86°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:38.6434 UTC16.897-0.926iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491287
JORD_HHZ2.443°354.72°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:38.996 UTC26.07-0.833iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491290
SMER_HHZ2.455°4.7°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:38.985 UTC55.435-1.014iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491316
LVA2_HHZ2.57°353.47°Pn2017-08-22 19:52:40.7901 UTC17.879-0.787iasp91dbp:tcox:172341491291

External resources

Current seismic activity measured by the seismic network

Click the link below to observe an interactive map of earthquakes recorded by the station deployment: