Magnitude 4.3 quake near the California-Mexico border
Last updated: 2018-03-26 17:50:55 UTC

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The Anza group at the University of California San Diego operates a broadband seismograph network consisting of 13 (+ 2) three component broadband seismograph stations centered near Anza Californa.
On Thursday, Feb. 18th at approximately 7:03 PST we recorded a moderate quake (ml 4.3) located near the California-Mexico border. 14 minutes later we recorded an aftershock with a calculated magnitde = 3.5. Preliminary source parameters are shown below.
Red star is the estimated epicenter, yellow triangles are Anza stations.
Event Map

Event parameters
Latitude | Longitude | Depth | Origin Time | ml |
32.6477 | -116.2108 | 13.8452 | 2/19/1999 (049) 03:08:32.427 | 4.23 |
32.6526 | -116.1889 | 12.7458 | 2/19/1999 (049) 03:22:38.323 | 3.49 |
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here, other networks, nuclear tests in China/India/Pakistan).
more about the ANZA network
(includes more station information, research, etc).
URL: [Last updated: 2018-03-26 17:50:55 UTC]