The Broadband Seismic Data Collection Center is now featured as one of DLESE's online Data Sheets. Visit “Exploring Broadband Seismic Data in the Classroom”.

Rob Newman explaining the instrumentation used in earthquake detection to children from La Jolla Elementary School, June 2007.
The following links are to pages on our websites that provide useful tools for both teachers and students.
- Earthquake wordsearch
- Earthquake crossword
- How can we determine what is traffic noise and what is an earthquake on our sensitive instruments?
- Special Events - Recent earthquakes of note
- Online Interactive Earthquake Test - Test your knowledge!
- Geophysical Glossary
- Mission Trail Regional Park Seismic Station
- Earthquake Hazards
- Teacher workshop
Downloadable visualizations
Software required:
Many of these files are very large; consequently the best way to view them is directly from your own computer (ie. not streaming across the network). To download any file to your own computer, simply right-click [Windows] or CTRL-click [Apple] and choose "Download link to disk" from the pop-up menu. This will give you a local copy of the file.
- December 2003 San Simeon, California Magnitude 6.5 movie
- November 2002 Denali, Alaska Magnitude 7.9 movie