Magnitude 6.4 quake near Michoacan, Mexico

Last updated: 2018-03-26 17:50:58 UTC

At approximately 11:41:46 GMT (04:41:46 PDT), August 9th, 2000 Mexico experienced a magnitude 6.4 earthquake. Preliminary source parameters are shown below.

  • Yellow triangles are stations
  • Red lines are borders
  • Red star is mainshock
Latitude Longitude Origin time Depth Mw Author
18.190 -102.30 08/09/2000 (222) 11:41:46 33.000 6.40 QED

Phase information:


Station iphase phase delta seaz esaz timeres
KBK P PKiKP 119.101 357.007 2.316 2.764
EKS2 P PKiKP 119.041 355.737 3.299 2.961
KZA P PKiKP 119.690 357.320 2.093 3.376
TKM2 P PKiKP 118.859 357.718 1.759 2.171
ULHL P PKiKP 119.549 358.407 1.241 3.160
USP P PKiKP 118.473 356.541 2.651 2.324
CHM P PKiKP 118.751 356.804 2.460 1.863
AAK P PKiKP 119.105 356.514 2.699 2.887

Mean square residual = 7.46349


Station iphase phase delta seaz esaz timeres
SMTC P Pn 19.092 137.308 323.205 1.329
BZN P Pn 19.987 136.395 322.741 0.672
CRY P Pn 20.081 136.380 322.766 0.355
FRD P Pn 19.952 136.545 322.862 0.6
KNW P Pn 20.174 136.715 323.107 0.271
LVA2 P Pn 19.825 136.363 322.644 0.702
MONP P Pn 19.413 135.781 321.946 1.061
PFO P Pn 19.956 137.084 323.351 0.636
RDM P Pn 20.191 136.259 322.702 0.38
SND P Pn 19.999 136.629 322.958 0.79
SOL P Pn 19.869 133.861 320.383 0.485
TRO P Pn 19.872 136.993 323.234 0.727
WMC P Pn 20.051 136.534 322.892 0.506
YAQ P Pn 19.571 136.472 322.639 0.841
RSB P Pn 20.714 135.862 322.562 -0.225
USB P P 22.522 131.619 319.520 0.22
SOL S S 19.869 133.861 320.383 2.652
LVA2 S S 19.825 136.363 322.644 2.282
YAQ S S 19.571 136.472 322.639 -3.275
MONP S S 19.413 135.781 321.946 -3.487
SMTC S S 19.092 137.308 323.205 5.398
FRD S S 19.952 136.545 322.862 2.336
PFO S S 19.956 137.084 323.351 1.913
BZN S S 19.987 136.395 322.741 -1.753
SND S S 19.999 136.629 322.958 -1.266
WMC S S 20.051 136.534 322.892 1.628
CRY S S 20.081 136.380 322.766 1.243
KNW S S 20.174 136.715 323.107 1.162
RDM S S 20.191 136.259 322.702 -1.439

Mean square residual = 3.20943

Dist is the distance in degrees from the array to the event. There are approximately 111km/deg. Seaz is the 'station to event azimuth': an angular distance measurement in degrees from the station to the earthquake. Esaz is the 'event to station azimuth': an angular distance measurement in degrees from the earthquake to the station.

You may view

ANZA (2198 km)
dist ~19.8 deg.
seaz ~136.5 deg

KNET(13220 km)
dist ~119.1 deg.
seaz ~357.0 deg

The first 6 hours of data recorded at ANZA station PFO show that after the mainshock there were no large aftershocks recorded by ANZA. This is not unexpected because of the distance (19.8 deg) from the array to the source.

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URL: [Last updated: 2018-03-26 17:50:58 UTC]