Magnitude 6.1 quake near Kabul, Afghanistan
Last updated: 2018-03-26 17:50:58 UTC
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- Initial source parameters
- 3 components [closest KNET station]
- Vertical components [all KNET stations]
The Anza group at the University of California San Diego is a partner that contributes to the operation of a broadband seismograph network consisting of 10 three component broadband seismograph stations deployed across the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan. (see map).
On Monday, March 25th, 2002 at 06:56:37 PST we recorded a quake (preliminary mb 6.1) located near the city of Kabul, Afghanistan. According to news reports, buildings have collapsed and over 1000 fatalities have been reported. This area is prone to large earthquakes. There was a magnitude 6.2 earthquake located within 120km of this event as recently as 03/03/2002.
View the most recent map of local events near the KNET siesmic network or a map of more regional events recoded by KNET.
Initial source parameters for the recent event and aftershocks are shown below. The epicentral distance (distance separating the epicenter and the recording network) for KNET is 7.09 degrees (~790 km).
This map shows the mainshock (red circle), and 6 of the larger aftershocks (orange circles). KNET network stations are yellow triangles.

Latitude | Longitude | Origin time (UTC) | Depth | Mb* | Author |
35.97N | 69.18E | 2002/03/25 (084) 14:56:37 | 33 km | 6.1 | QED |
36.35N | 69.08E | 2002/03/25 (084) 15:10:45 | 33 km | 4.6 | QED |
36.43N | 69.24E | 2002/03/25 (084) 15:20:08 | 33 km | 4.4 | QED |
35.94N | 69.29E | 2002/03/25 (084) 15:46:03 | 33 km | 5.0 | QED |
35.95N | 69.28E | 2002/03/25 (084) 17:49:41 | 33 km | 4.9 | QED |
35.99N | 62.22E | 2002/03/25 (084) 21:45:07 | 33 km | 5.0 | QED |
36.20N | 69.29E | 2002/03/26 (085) 00:55:23 | 33 km | 4.9 | QED |
*Note that the locations and magnitudes determined for this event and all aftershocks are preliminary and are subject to change upon further review of seismic data.
You may also view a plot showing
- the 3 components recorded by the closest KNET station (AML).
- the vertical components for all KNET stations.
Visit the IRIS special website for additional information about this event, or the USGS website.
For a very good explanation of the historical seismicity of the Hindu Kush region, visit Terry Wallace's (Univ. of Arizona) special event page. This page has additional maps of the area and includes information about the March 3rd, 2002 event.
Learn more about
the Anza group (including
who works here, other networks, nuclear tests in China/India/Pakistan).
Learn more about the ANZA
network (includes more station information, research, etc).
URL: [Last updated: 2018-03-26 17:50:58 UTC]